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Whisky Bellevoye - Emballages Magazine (Oct 2016)

October 16, 2016

Wine & SpiritsPressFolding Cartons

The Autajon Group features in the latest Emballages Magazine publication N°982 (October 2016) for the design of a labeland a carton for Bellevoye whisky.

Developments made by Autajon Etiquettes Atlantique and Autajon Packaging Haubtmann, France.

"The result of blending more than four-year-old 'eaux-de-vie' sourced from 3 French distilleries, Bellevoye's "triple malt" whisky was created by Alexandre Sirech and Jean Moueix.The entire maturing and packaging processes are, equally, performed in France. The designer, Jean-François Gaudinet, supported this campaign by embellishing the bottle, with Autajon supplying both the label and the carton."

© Emballages Magazine n° 982, octobre 2016.