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"Les Vinéales" 2019 in Beaune (France)

From 6 to April 7, 2019

Events & ExhibitionsWine & SpiritsBeaune

Meet the Autajon Group at the "Les Vinéales" 2019 exhibition in Beaune (France), on 6 & 7 April.

“Les Vinéales” is an event dedicated to French wines, culture and gastronomy. An event designed and organized by the students in a 2 years degree of Sales in viticulture, at the wine high school of Beaune (France).

This year again, it is a great pleasure for Autajon Étiquette Bourgogne to be part of the event. Come and meet our teams on 6 and 7 April in Beaune.

More information on "Les Vinéales" Facebook page.